base target='_blank'/> Coretan Seorang Budak Bawah Umur: GoToHell ! =='

Sayang Kamoo !

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GoToHell ! =='

Assalamualaikum ==' 

Did you guys see the title above ? Sounds like i'm angry to someone right ? Yeah , it's sounds just like that .. Actually , i'm pretty angry to someone , If you got scoled from the teacher , that's it ! don't turned on me lah ==' mengada lagi gedik ! =P I'm sick of your attitude , If you continued your attitude , soon or later , EVERYONE will hate you ! *aku membebel sorang - sorang =='*  Grr , If you made a mistake , say sorry to teacher lah , Grr geram gilaa lh dekad mamat tu , Sehari ta buad aku panas , ta sah agaknya ! kalau aku dapat kepala dia , mmg na SEKEH habis - habisan ! If you not confident to me ! don't ask any help from me ! Buad sakit kepala aku je . 

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